A little background on how this all happened.
Darryl works for IHC and has spent the last few years dedicating his time in support of "Healing
Hands for Haiti."
Darryl and Stew are brother in laws. Darryl is married to Stew's sister Julie. Th

Stew is married to me (Kimber) and we are blessed with 3 boys.
Early in November, Stew and I had been praying and searching for an charitable organization that we could donate some funds towards. Stew remembered that Darryl had traveled to Haiti for the past few years and so he called him to chat about it. Darryl was so passionate about this organization and how not only did it make a difference for the people of Haiti but also how much it impacted Darryl's life.
As I listened in to their phone conversation, Darryl said to Stew, "you should come, Stew!" And he teased saying, he needed a body guard. I saw Stew's eyes light up and right then and there, I was prompted about Stew going with Darryl. I knew that on his own, Stew would not make that decision because of the time away from the family and all the costs associated, so I just prayed about it and it was so strong that he was suppose to go.
Later that week, I called Darryl (without Stew knowing) and said, "do you think you could get Stew to go with you?" Well, long story short, Darryl and I worked behind the scenes for weeks with late night phone calls, emails, texts to get Stew all registered to go! It was so exciting. We couldn't wait to tell him but wanted to keep it a secret for a while. My boys and myself were able to give Stew his ticket to Haiti at Thanksgiving dinner, accompanied by a Haitian Soup and a Haitian Flag (my mom gave him)...... complete surprise. His facial expression and tears welled up in his eyes was priceless.
This was at Thanksgiving 2009, and little did we know what would come.
The Thursday prior to the Earthquake in Haiti, Stew and I were able to go with Darryl and Julie to dinner and a team meeting with the group they would be traveling with. I instantly fell in love with their group and was so flippin' jealous! They talked of all they would do while there. They spoke of their one good meal at "The Montana" (that as you saw on the news was completely destroyed).
So the day my mom called to say "have you seen the news" and that Haiti was hit with an earthquake, was quite shocking. The pictures and devastation and reality began to roll in and it was just overwhelming.
I couldn't believe I signed Stew up for this! But I know that God must have had a plan because it was laid on Stew and my heart so strong for the people of Haiti and to help this organization long before the earthquake.
That's just a little background from my perspective.
Hopefully I can get Stew and Darryl (and Julie) on here to update as we go!
But check back often (especially as they get ready to go this week) and also check out their teams Fan Page on Facebook! The Healing Hands for Haiti compound was struck hard and if you want to read more about the last few months become a FAN here: www.facebook.com/ucthealinghands
Please keep them in your prayers that they may serve the people of Haiti in the way God would have them and also for their safety for their entire team while they are there!
I know God kicked the door wide open for this opportunity and I can't wait to see what happens because of Stew and Darryl's desire to serve!